
5 Easy Tips for Saving Money in the New Year (And Beyond)

Written by First Seacoast Bank | Feb 23, 2023 9:02:48 PM

Saving money can seem like a daunting task, especially when you’re on a tight budget or just starting out in your career. But don’t worry—we’ve got some easy and practical tips that will help you save money and reach your financial goals. Here are five easy tips for saving money (for anybody in need of some inspiration). 

(And no, we won’t be criticizing any Starbucks or avocado toast tendencies.)

1. Set Savings Goals (Short-term and Long-term)

The first step to successfully saving money is to make sure you have a goal in mind. Whether it’s buying a car, taking a vacation, or simply building your emergency fund, setting short-term and long-term goals can help motivate you to stay on track with your savings plan. 

Make sure the goals are realistic and achievable so that you don’t set yourself up for failure. And remember to reward yourself when you achieve each milestone.

2. Budget for Saving

Creating a budget is an essential part of any savings plan. Knowing how much money is coming in each month and where it needs to go will give you an idea of how much you can afford to save each month. Once you have an idea of what your budget looks like, set aside a specific amount every month that goes directly into your savings account. This way, there won’t be as much temptation to spend it because it won’t be readily available. 

3. Find Ways to Cut Spending

This might sound like an obvious one, but finding ways to cut spending is essential if you want to save more money each month. Try cutting back on non-essential items such as eating out or shopping for clothes and instead focus on only buying the things that are necessary. Of course, this doesn’t need to mean cutting those things out entirely—but if you order takeout three nights a week, consider cutting back to one.

Additionally, you could look into negotiating bills such as cell phone plans, cable bills, or going to a payment plan for utilities. Some car insurance companies will even offer discounts if you participate in certain programs, which can save you hundreds over the course of the year.

4. Use Online Tools

There are plenty of online tools available today that can make saving easier than ever before. Some of the most popular tools are automatic transfers from one account into another, roundups from purchases made with debit cards that add up over time into savings accounts, and even automated investing options. These tools make saving effortless while still allowing users full control over their finances, making them ideal for younger generations who are just starting to manage their finances. 

5. Track Expenses

Finally, one of the best ways to stay on top of your finances is by keeping track of all your expenses. Whether it’s through paper records, online tracking tools, or a trusty spreadsheet, having an accurate picture of where your money is going will help you keep tabs on how much you can realistically afford to save each month. It will also help identify areas where you may need more financial discipline.  

Saving money doesn't have to be hard! By following these five simple steps—setting savings goals, creating a budget, cutting spending, utilizing online tools, and tracking expenses—you’re taking a major step toward reaching all your financial goals. With these tips at hand, anyone will have the financial literacy they need in order to take charge of their future.

And hey, if you have any further questions or are in need of some guidance, feel free to reach out to us today. We're here for you, and have financial advisors on staff to help you out!